Canadian Law: Resources

More Resources Coming Soon.

Please use the following options to find articles and websites where safe parenting in Canada is discussed. These resources are provided to help you think carefully about what is appropriate for you and your family.

Please note that these are external resources that we have provided to assist you in your desire for more information and knowledge. We do not have responsibility/control over the content that these websites/articles/links are providing.

  • "What Next?" Magnets

    Cross Cultural Parenting Workshop has developed a magnet/sticker/card resource with helpful suggestions on what to do if you’re visited by Social Workers or Police Officers due to a report of suspected abuse/neglect.

  • Crisis Contacts

    The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has developed a contact list of resources/organizations to support in times of crisis.

  • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Overview

    Click the button to view an overview of the Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedoms. The full charter is available here, and helpful infographic is available here.

  • At What Age Can My Child Legally Be Left Home Alone?

    Article and overview of Canadian Laws on Supervision from Child Safe Canada.

  • Hand in Hand booklet from Government of Nova Scotia

    PDF about parenting as a newcomer in Canada. This Document pages 15-19 contain important parenting and discipline information.

  • Brief Overview of Hand in Hand booklet

    We have taken some of the information from the Hand in Hand booklet for a quick overview.

  • Nobody’s Perfect: Child safety

    Nobody’s Perfect is an invitation to Look at your home from your child’s point of view to see what might be dangerous. Find the full resource here. There is a brief overview available by clicking the button below:

Module 1: Supervision


Module 1 of the workshop includes conversation around the topic of supervision of children in Canada. To find resources/articles/information on this topic, visit the button below.


Is there a resource included here that you would specifically like to have translated? Please fill out the form below and let us know!